
The Trust RPLC Accelerated Learning Share-Module is a Team and Leader based methodology structured to introduce the key concepts of Trust and Renewal thru a reading tutorial completed offline prior to a 4 hour facilitated intervention.

Trust takes time to develop! 

It is a fragile yet indispensable element in any personal or work relationship. Betrayal, or the loss of trust, is the focus of countless fiscal scandals, all of which ultimately resulted from a lapse in trust. However, it is not just these major lapses of integrity that break trust. Trust is broken and lost in subtle ways every day in every workplace.

As a result, countless numbers of people in the workplace today are in pain, and many organizations are hurting. After years of constant change—downsizing, restructuring, or of mergers and acquisition—trust among people in organization is at an all-time low. Years of “downsizing, restructuring, and reengineering or of upsizing, mergers, and questionable growth” that frequently result in a minor misreading of intention which can seriously diminished employee performance. But,

You can learn to rebuild trust and transform workplace relationships. Leaders must develop a full understanding of the complex dynamics involved in Trust, and commit to practices that support building trust with employees. Two defining Trust linkages are reinforced allowing a relationship of mutual confidence in contractual performance, honest communication, expected competence and a capacity for unguarded interaction.

  • “transactional trust” (defined as “managing expectations, establishing boundaries, delegating appropriately, encouraging mutually serving intentions, keeping agreements, and being congruent in our behavior”) and ways to build it among teams and groups as well as entire organizations.
  • “Transformational trust,” the ultimate stage attained when trust within these levels reaches a critical point and increases exponentially, becoming self-generating and synergistic.

Betrayal is an intentional or unintentional breach of trust or the perception of a breach of trust.  Betrayal occurs at all levels within an organization. People may feel a betrayal when their expectations are not met, they may feel like:

  • They have been taken advantage of,
  • They are excluded from decisions that affect them,
  • They are stabbed in the back,
  • They are not trusted to do their jobs.

Betrayal acts as a virus and spreads quickly throughout the organization, which is why leaders need to acknowledge betrayal and work quickly to regain trust. There are seven steps for overcoming betrayal:

  • Admit there is a problem
  • Acknowledge the pain caused by betrayal
  • Give people time to grieve or otherwise express their feelings
  • Give support and recognize employees’ transitional needs
  • Guide employees by helping them see the big picture
  • Leaders must take responsibility, admitting when they make mistakes and telling the truth
  • Leaders must help their people forgive and forget, respectively

Transformative trust, which is reached when four core characteristics are present: conviction, courage, compassion and community. As the authors point out, trust takes time to build. Trust begins with conviction, which in turn begins with our own self-awareness.

The Dennis and Michelle Reina Trust & Betrayal in the Workplace model has gained wide-spread acceptance and is the text requirement for the RPLC Trust Learning Accelerated Learning Module. Participants will read the text as a preparation to the session on their own time to get a grasping of the basics and the terminology.

The book is divided into three parts, which discuss understanding trust and betrayal, transactional trust, and transformative trust, respectively. Transactional trust is reciprocal and created incrementally.

Three types of transactional trust are discussed in Part II:

  • Contractual trust or “trust of character”
  • Communication trust or “trust of disclosure”
  • Competence trust or “trust of capability”

Part III consists of one chapter on transformative trust, which occurs when the amount of trust within a team or organization reaches a critical point and increases exponentially.  Collectively drawing on thirty years of research and experience with organizations around the world, Dennis and Michelle Reina provide a simple and comprehensive approach that works!

Their approach outlines a common language to discuss trust constructively, identifies specific behaviors that build and break trust, and it describes steps for rebuilding trust and sustaining it over time, even during periods of change.

What is needed?

A person, agency, government department, or institution to organize a Trust Accelerated Learning Share-Module, to provide a venue with audio-visual equipment, refreshments, Sharing-Module and Workshop advertising, photocopying of handouts, processing of enrolment fees, and any other administrative tasks.

For information on cost and event booking, email RPLC