The Leader’s Almanac

An “almanac,” according to Merriam— Webster is a “publication containing astronomical and meteorological data for a given year, and often including a miscellany of other information.” The New Leader’s Almanac took it’s title with considerable thought, trying to determine whether the word fit or not, if the work was more of a journal, or chronicle.  Astronomical data? It’s working to chart the leadership stars.  Meteorological? It’s certainly trying to present a clear view of the environment, to help determine when, where, and how it’s best to start cultivating leadership.

The Leader’s Almanac is the first publication the Rocky Peak Leadership Center is writing, to help provide leader’s with toolsets for dealing with problems that might arise. The Almanac is a guidebook to becoming a better leader. This book will contain a robust explanation of the leadership cards©. Each set has 14 different stimulus cards intended leaders, who are new, experienced, and everyone between. While the book is still in progress, the idea card sets are available here, free of charge; to help promote positive leadership growth.

The five card sets

Leadership Idea Seeds

The cards in this deck contain 14 different action based leadership activities. Each card provides a description of how that activity is important for leaders and a list of 4 tools that can be used to create the desired leadership action.

These cards should be reviewed on a periodic basis to check against your personal leadership activities.

For a preview of the Leadership idea seeds, click here.

Leadership Styles

he cards in this deck contain 14 different leadership communication and behavioral traits, that can be used and adapted to the particular demands of any situation. Any leader, even a highly collaborative one can benefit from using one, or more of the styles presented.

Even in the course of a single day; these cards should be reviewed to check against your own leadership styles, and adopted where useful.

For a preview of the Leadership Styles, click here.

Leadership Idea Stars

he cards in this deck contain 14 different inspirational leaders and addresses some of the qualities they possessed that helped solidify their position within the leadership community.

These cards can be consulted at any time and should be reviewed periodically in order to identify areas where your own leadership can be improved, or your awareness expanded.

For a preview of the Leadership Stars, click here.

Leadership Moons

The cards in this deck represent 14 different strategic leadership actions or behaviors that are positive based. Each card provides a specific description of a strategic leadership phase which can increase the positive efficiency of a leader.

These cards can be reviewed to check against personal leadership strategic behaviors, to identify areas that can be improved; or simply to increase your awareness.

For a preview of the Leadership Moons, click here.

Leadership Tides

The cards in this deck represent 14 different leadership actions or behaviors that are value based. Each card provides a description of how that action or behavior can be applied in a positive way to increase the positive effectiveness of a leader.

On a periodic basis these cards can be reviewed to check against your personal leadership value behaviors to identify areas that can be improved, or simply to increase your awareness.

For a preview of the Leadership Tides, click here.