Course in Creativity

The Course in Creativity combines and integrates two of Dr. Edward de Bono’s powerful thinking programs—the program in Parallel Thinking™, Six Thinking Hats®; and the program for innovation and creativity, Lateral Thinking™.

Clearly understand the area and purpose focus process to clarify your problem or opportunities. Explore “why” you need to explore specific thinking and identify “what’s stopping you” from getting forward progress.

Experience the concept triangle to create a starting idea to a focus statement. It can then be focused to determine a Conceptual fixed point that leads to additional new ideas. Conceptual themes are developed and used to explore additional possibilities.

Run the random entry tool to open your possibility thinking with a fun and energetic series of idea creating steps. Learn how to generate a random word or starting point that naturally leads to a set of associations used to inspire new ideas. You can quickly create a large group of immediately implementable ideas. Additionally you create many “beginnings of Ideas” that can be refined to meet your current needs.

  • Solve problems more efficiently and effectively with more buy-in
  • Turn problems into opportunities
  • Make higher quality decisions and reduce conflict
  • Hold and lead shorter, more productive meetings
  • Use Parallel Thinking as a group to make higher quality decisions
  • Make thorough evaluations
  • Effectively involve more people in the decision making process
  • Create dynamic, results-oriented meetings that make people want to participate

Using the Lateral Thinking tools, you will learn to:

  • Increase the number of new and practical ideas dramatically
  • Challenge your organization’s current thinking (constructively)
  • Be creative when you need it most
  • Create new products, processes, and services
  • Attack problems with more and better ideas to get immediate results
  • Create an attitude and real atmosphere of entrepreneurship
  • Think ‘outside the box’ on demand
  • Make creative, innovative, collaborative and entrepreneurial thinking part of your everyday work life

The program can be designed and delivered in house in a two or three day format and can be extended over time for a more integrated learning approach. You not only learn to effectively use Dr. de Bono’s powerful methods, but also will employ them to focus on live and relevant business issues. These thinking methods are like ‘software for the mind,’ and the applications are endless for individual, team and organizational use.

Using the Parallel Thinking™ techniques of Six Thinking Hats® you will learn to:

Training is conducted by a certified DBTS trainer or master trainer.

For more information on cost and event booking, email RPLC