- Title: AME Innovation Summit 2014 - Leading Others to Discover "How to Think - Not What to Think"
- Title: AME Innovation Summit 2014 - Seizing Epiphanies: Unleashing the Tactics of
- Title: CSUN LEAN Lateral Thinking 2014 - An Introuction to Creative Manufacturing Thinking Processes and Methods
- Title: SETA Irvine 2011 - Working Together by Thinking Together
- Title: Exploring Opportunities with Parallel and Lateral Thinking
- Title: Juggling Roles, Goals, and Context…In2 Harmony– Incubation and Inspiration for
Sustainability :PRIZM GameStorming in Action - Title: Passion Flowing In2 Purposeful Action - Unleashing the Power of Us - Cognitive Research Trust Perceptions
- Title: Transforming My Space In2 OurSpace - Developing Our Uncommon Knowledge- Think-tion Integrating Thinking -to-Action
- Title: Passion Flowing In2 Purposeful action – Six Action Shoes
- Title: THINC Conference - Synergy Leadership in Quantum Organizations
- Title: Daring to Explore - Creating Possibilities Together – Water Logic Flowscapes
- Title: Daring to Lead - Influencing Better Thinking for a Better Future – Thinking Tools for a Changing World
- Title: Active Listening
- Title: Greatness
- Title: Trust and Betrayal
- Title: Winning
- Title: Making a Difference From Where We Are - Better Thinking for a Better Future - Six Thinking Hats