Super Service

Author: Jeff Gee, Val Gee
Publisher: McGraw-Hill
Length: 147 Pages

Anyone searching for a quick, fun read on customer service and how to provide exceptional interactions should read this book. It is not meant to be academic or deep, more of a presentation of positive skill sets and reminders for everyone on how to create Super relationships with others. The book elaborates on seven keys to delivering great customer service even when you don’t feel like it….even when the customer does not deserve it!

One enlightening story included is about Marty who is a 20 years plus Illinois toll way employee. He stands next to the change basket on the expressway lane every day, in all weather, even when it’s below freezing in Chicago. What he does is…. bend down and look you in the eyes and call out “Have a Great Day” or “Make it a Good One”. If you drive by with your hand in the air after throwing the coins Marty will give you a high five. Thousands of drivers deliberately drive over 10 lanes of traffic to go thru his toll booth. He believes his job is to help other people have a great day!

This contagious positive attitude focuses on connecting to the heart and soul of your customers acknowledging that “Your customer is anyone who is not You”. The book describes 5 great ideas for reinforcing customer accountability and gaining trust:

1. Take responsibility for your mistakes

2. Make “I” statements

3. Complete things

4. Take notes

5. Keep your word

The premise of Super Service is based upon a true understanding that your problem is not the customer’s problem. This allows you to listen with an open mind to understand what your customer really needs, wants and desires. To achieve this, the reader is guided thru a clear understanding of the difference between a Giver & Taker and Positive Thoughts versus Negative Thoughts. The author’s expose the need to recharge yourself so that you can be energized and positive in personal interactions.

The book references statistics from US News and World Report discussing the cost of losing (1) customer. The research indicates that out of 25 dissatisfied customers only 1 complains but 24 are dissatisfied and do not complain. Six of the 24 non complaints have serious problems and tell between 10-20 other people about their bad customer experience. Ultimately this means that out of a pool of 25 customers, between 250 to 500 potential customers learn about the bad service experienced.

Super Service may be hard for some people to put into words but Poor service is easy to describe because of how it makes us feel. The KISS approach (Keep It Simple & Sincere) to keeping the right attitude allows positive energy and the ability for you to be your best….accepting yourself as you are right now. By the time you have finished the book you will have a great understanding of the importance of a smile and how to work with diversity – not against it.